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- Jennifer Faye
Married for His Secret Heir Page 8
Married for His Secret Heir Read online
Page 8
“What do you think that’s all about?” Annabelle asked.
“I...I have a confession.” Elena’s gaze dropped to the ground.
“That sounds awfully dire. Surely it can’t be that bad.”
Elena shrugged. “I guess it depends on how you look at it.”
“I think I should go get another drink,” Grayson said and slipped away.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Annabelle said.
“I do.” Elena was so tired of keeping secrets. “There’s a story in a tabloid and a photo linking me with a married man.”
Annabelle’s perfectly plucked brows rose, but she didn’t say anything.
“It’s not true. At least not like they are saying. I didn’t know he was married. He conveniently left that part out when we met. And it’s been over for a while now.”
Annabelle reached out and squeezed her arm. “It’s okay. We’ve all made mistakes, but the paparazzi doesn’t care about those mistakes unless you’re an international public figure. I have a feeling this won’t be your last time in the tabloids.”
“I’d totally understand if you want me to go now. I don’t want to ruin your party.”
“Nonsense. You have to stay. We aren’t going to let the paparazzi ruin our day.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to them.”
“Me, either. We just have to stick together.”
“Thanks for being so understanding.” They shared a quick hug and then Elena said, “I think I’ll go get a drink. It’s a little warm out here today.”
She moved away and spotted a lemonade stand. No doubt they’d used lemons from the DiSalvo lemon grove. They were the best. And she was thirsty. Hunting for Luca in the bright sunshine had her parched. And she didn’t know where else to look for him...unless she was to search the palace. However, she doubted security was going to let that happen.
She stood in line for the lemonade. It seemed to be a popular stand. And she couldn’t blame them. This was the best lemonade in the world. Not too sweet. Not too tart. It was just perfect. And any other day, she’d be excited to have some, but not today. Today she needed to find Luca before he stumbled across the lies and innuendos.
Once she had her refreshment in hand, she peered all around. He had to be here somewhere. But she couldn’t spot him. She pulled out her phone and tried his cell. Again, it went to voice mail.
She’d just slipped the phone into her purse when she heard, “Elena, there you are.”
She turned to find Luca approaching her. He was dressed casually in white shorts and a blue collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. And she’d never seen him look more handsome. Of course, it helped that he was smiling right at her. He was like the sun, parting her clouds of gloom and doom.
He stepped up to her. “We need to talk.”
“I know.”
“You do?” Luca asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“Sorry. I thought you wanted to tell me about the press at the front gate.”
He arched a dark brow. “No, but what are they doing here?”
She waved off his question, hoping he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. “It’s nothing. We sent them away.”
“Your sister was here when one of the security guards stopped by. She instructed him to send the reporters away.” And before he could question her further about the paparazzi, she asked, “So what did you want to talk to me about?”
Luca glanced around at the colorful tents. “It can wait until I win you a teddy bear at the ball toss.”
So he really didn’t know about the tabloid story. The breath that she didn’t realize she’d been holding whooshed from her lungs. In actuality, she wasn’t sure if this news made things better or worse for her. On second thought, it didn’t do either. It just delayed the inevitable.
And then he paused and looked at her. She found herself staring into his blue-gray eyes. Some days they were bluer, but today they were a deeper gray. He had something on his mind. Just wait until he heard what she had to tell him. His eyes would turn dark and stormy.
“Elena, why are you frowning at me? I know I’m late to the festivities, but you don’t have to look that upset. What happened to bring the paparazzi here?”
She glanced around at all of the people they knew. This definitely wasn’t the place to give him life-altering news. “I can’t talk about it. Not here.”
“Elena, there is obviously a problem. So out with it.”
Just then her phone rang. She didn’t even have to look at the caller ID to know it was Lauren again. She’d never called this many times in a row. With each phone call, Elena’s hope of salvaging her job diminished.
“Do you need to get that?”
She shook her head. “It can wait. Can we go somewhere? Somewhere private?”
“Um, I haven’t spoken to my sister yet, but she has enough distractions. I’m sure she won’t miss me for a little longer.”
They started walking toward the beach. All the while Elena searched for the right words. Was there such a thing? She hoped so.
“Elena? Hey, did you hear me?” Luca sent her a puzzled look.
“What did you say?”
“I said that you’re really quiet today and you’re starting to worry me.”
He had no idea what was coming his way, and she felt bad for him. She didn’t know whether to start with the tabloid story or the news of her pregnancy. Her stomach shivered with nerves.
Soon the worst will be over. It was the only positive thought she could dredge up, because her life was a scandalous mess.
WAS THERE ANY right way to say this?
Elena didn’t think so. Maybe if they were a happy couple and madly in love. If that were the case, she’d do something cute—something memorable.
But in this case, she’d just have to settle for the blunt, honest truth.
They made their way down the long set of steps. She remained quiet, waiting until they were on the beach, where they wouldn’t be disturbed. This conversation would be the most important one of her life. Once her feet touched the sand, she glanced up and down the beach, not spotting anyone.
“Okay. We’re alone.” Luca turned to face her. “What’s bothering you?”
She gazed into his face. Her stomach started to churn again. And the words stuck in the back of her throat.
“Elena, you’re really starting to worry me. Nothing can be this bad.”
She nodded, trying to keep her emotions in check. “Yes, it can.”
“Whatever it is, I’m here for you. You know that.”
Her gaze rose to meet his. In his gaze, she found tenderness and warmth. She tried to impress that image upon her mind. She needed to remember this moment, because she doubted she’d see it again.
Where did she start? Did she blurt out about the pregnancy? Or did she start with the headlines? It was all such a mess.
She slipped off her shoes and started walking closer to the water. Letting the water wash over her feet always relaxed her in the past. She hoped it would do so again.
Luca walked beside her. He was quiet, as though giving her a moment to gather her thoughts. He was such a great guy. If he ever let down his guard, he’d make some woman a fantastic husband. It just wouldn’t be her. They’d given it a shot in Paris, and it hadn’t worked out. In fact, in the rays of the rising sun, it had gone from amazing to an utter disaster. The light of day had cast away all her silly romantic illusions and shed light on the stark reality—they did not belong together.
So what was she waiting for? It wasn’t like they were a couple or even had a chance at a happily-ever-after. She might as well put it all out there and let the pieces fall as they may.
She stopped and turned to him. “This morning my mother found an article about me in the tabloids.”
She just couldn’t look him in the eyes when she admitted the next part. She didn’t want to see the disgust in his eyes. “And it had a picture of some loser kissing me. One of the headlines read, From Model to Home Wrecker!”
There was a slight pause as though he was digesting this news. “This is the guy you told me about in Paris?”
She nodded. “It’s not true.” She glanced up, willing him to believe her. “The whole thing is a twist of facts and lots of innuendo.”
“I thought you ended things with him. That’s what you said when I was in Paris.”
“I did.”
“Then how did they get a picture of you two kissing? And why is it showing up in the paper now?” Just as she predicted, his eyes were getting darker by the moment and clouds of doubt were forming.
Why did everyone in her life go for the worst-case scenario? Of course, the photo didn’t help things. Before she could mount a reasonable defense, Luca pulled out his cell phone. And thanks to the beach being part of the royal grounds, the cell reception was excellent.
She wanted to beg him not to pull up the tabloid photo and article, but her pride resisted the urge. So what if he looked? It wouldn’t change things. The tabloid was wrong. Surely he would see that. He knew her better. Knew that she would never knowingly cause problems in someone else’s marriage.
She turned to stare out at the water. Usually she found it relaxing, but not today. Today all she could think about were all the mistakes she’d made in her life. And they seemed to be escalating this year. But that was going to stop. Here. And now. She had a baby to think about. She would do well by it.
She turned back to Luca. “There’s more—”
“Did you read this?” His stormy gaze flickered to her and then back to the phone in his hand.
“It’s nothing but lies.”
“At the end, it says this jerk’s wife filed for divorce. She’s probably using this story as the basis for her multimillion-dollar settlement.”
He slipped his phone back in his pocket and stared at her. “Did you see this guy after you and I, well, after I visited you in Paris?”
“No. Of course not. Steven fooled me once with his flattery and lies. There’s no way I would fall for his words again. I...I haven’t seen anyone since you.”
“And this story is the reason the press is at the palace gates?”
She lowered her head. “I had no idea they’d track me down here. I should leave Mirraccino.”
“I can’t think of any place better for you to be at this moment.”
Her head lifted. “Really?”
“Yes. Here you have the best protection. No one will get near you. And eventually the paparazzi will get bored.”
“I just don’t understand why this is suddenly a story. I haven’t seen Steven in almost three months.”
His eyes momentarily widened, but then in a blink, his expression was unreadable. “Then I would say that picture suddenly appeared because the wife planted it, just in time for her to file for divorce.”
“But the story made it sound like it just happened—as in yesterday.”
“See, that’s the thing. You were right here with me.”
“Wait.” She peered deep into his eyes. “You believe me?”
“Believe you? Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just a bit on edge.”
“Is this part of the reason you’re in Mirraccino instead of in Paris, Milan or New York?”
She shook her head. “It has nothing to do with that story. In fact, there wasn’t even a story until today.”
“Then quit frowning. Everything will be all right. Give it one or two news cycles and the paparazzi will be on to another bit of sensationalized gossip.” He reached out and pulled her into his arms.
She knew she should resist. She knew that things were complicated between them. But in that moment, she longed for the warmth and comfort she always felt in his arms. And so she let her body follow the pull of his arms.
Her chest pressed to his. Her arms wrapped around his trim waist. And her head landed on his broad shoulder. The stress ebbed away.
But then something happened that she hadn’t been expecting. She breathed in his masculine scent, mingled with a spicy cologne. He smelled so good. She breathed in a little deeper. Oh, yes, she remembered being here—being held securely in his arms.
And it wasn’t that long ago that they’d clung to each other like there was no tomorrow. Did he remember? Was that what he was thinking about right now?
Her whole body was alive with desire. It’d be so easy to turn her head just slightly and press her lips to the smooth skin of his neck. And then, realizing what she was about to do, she pulled away.
Luca gave her a puzzled look, and then he sighed. “Are you going to keep acting like this? Can’t we just forget about what happened in Paris?”
She shook her head. “I can never forget.”
“Sure you can, if you try. After all, we were friends a lot longer than we were lovers.”
“Luca, quit trying to diminish it.” That night had been very special to her even if it meant nothing to him.
He raked his fingers through his hair. “What can I do to make this better?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
“So that’s it, we’re always going to be awkward around each other? I can never put my arms around you to comfort you?”
“You don’t understand. This isn’t how I want things to be, but it’s how they are.”
“I don’t understand. You’re talking in circles.”
He was right. She was being evasive on purpose. She was afraid to tell him that they would forever be linked.
“I’m pregnant.” She hadn’t intended to blurt it out, but at least it was finally out there.
“Pregnant?” Luca stumbled back a step as though the words had hit him with a one-two punch.
She nodded. The backs of her eyes stung with threatening tears. Darn hormones. She blinked repeatedly, refusing to play the emotional-woman card. She could get through the rest of this semirationally—she hoped.
His gaze searched hers. “You’re sure?”
“Yes. I just saw the doctor last week for confirmation.”
“Does he know? The guy in the photo?”
“Why would Steven know?”
“I would assume you’d tell the father, even if he’s a total loser.”
“I thought you believed me when I said it was only a kiss.”
He shrugged. “People make mistakes. I thought maybe you were too embarrassed to admit it.”
“First of all, he’s not the father. Second, the baby’s father is far from a loser. And lastly, I am telling him. Right now.”
Luca’s eyes momentarily widened. His lips pressed together into a firm line as the color drained from his face.
She’d never witnessed him speechless. He always had a quick comeback or a thoughtful comment. There was always something...until now.
The longer the silence dragged on, the more nervous she became. She had to do something, but what?
She knew this announcement was the last thing he’d expected to hear from her. “This was as much of a surprise for me as it is for you.”
He shook his head as though he couldn’t process it. He turned away and started walking—walking away from her. Just like he’d done in Paris. She’d let him go that time, but more than her broken heart was on the line this time.
She took off after him. “Luca, I know this is a shock. But we have to talk.”
He stopped an
d faced her. The shocked look on his face told her just how caught off guard he was by this information. “Talk? Don’t you think I deserve some time to absorb this information? After all, you’ve had how long?”
“A week or so. And I’m sorry I’m pushing this, but once the paparazzi finds out I’m pregnant, it’s going to be a mess.”
“Which won’t be long, considering they’re camping outside the palace gates.” Luca turned and started walking again.
She walked with him. She hated having to push him, but the press was so close now. They were breathing down her neck—waiting for the next big headline. It was imperative that she and Luca do whatever they could to protect their child from scandal.
There was still so much to decide where the child was concerned. Would her child grow up here in Mirraccino? Doubtful. The only reason her parents lived on these amazing and sprawling grounds was because of her father’s special affiliation with the king. If she wanted to move back to Mirraccino, she’d end up with an apartment in the city. Bellacitta was a thriving city that was a mix of old traditions and new technology. It certainly would be an interesting atmosphere to raise a child.
But she couldn’t give up her future in Paris. If she remained there, her son or daughter would have the privilege of growing up in a city full of history, culture and endless ways to expand a young imagination. Luca could visit, or when she had time off, she could take their child to him. It would work out somehow.
But Luca wasn’t helping her find any of those answers. She needed him to say something, or at least acknowledge what she’d told him.
She reached out, grabbing his arm. “Please, Luca, talk to me.”
He stopped and faced her. “What do you want from me?”
“I don’t know. I guess just to talk to me. Maybe to say that everything will be okay.”
“Okay?” He ran his hand over the top of his hair, scattering the short, dark spikes. And then he expelled an audible sigh. “Just tell me one thing. Is it really my baby?”
Ouch! His question dug straight into her heart. Not so long ago, they’d accepted each other’s words as fact without having to question. Obviously things had changed more than she’d ever imagined.