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Married for His Secret Heir Page 7
Married for His Secret Heir Read online
Page 7
“No.” Demetrius frowned. Obviously he wasn’t used to people not accepting the finality of his word. “My father is not seeing anyone.”
Luca had noticed the king’s absence since he’d arrived at the palace, but he’d thought his uncle was just feeling under the weather. “Is he okay?”
“I really don’t want to discuss my father.”
Princess Katrina toppled over on her backside once more, but this time she didn’t laugh it off. She started slowly with a couple of unhappy grunts before it grew into a full-on cry. Demetrius immediately swung her little body up into his arms. “Is someone ready for a nap?” He shushed her before looking back at Luca. “I really am sorry. Now, I need to get this princess to her crib.”
Luca watched the crown prince walk away. All the while Demetrius talked in soft, gentle tones that seemed to soothe his daughter. Luca wanted to be upset with him for immediately turning down his proposal without an explanation, but it was so hard to be angry with a man holding a baby in his arms.
Luca shook his head as he went to stand next to the elongated library window. He stared off into the clear blue sky. He couldn’t imagine dividing his life between family and business. That was exactly what he’d been avoiding all this time—the complications.
He was so much better off alone.
Today is the day.
Elena had awoken just as the sun rose the next morning. She hadn’t slept well. Her thoughts wouldn’t slow down enough for her to sleep more than an hour or two at a time. Finally she gave up.
By the time she stepped out of bed, she’d accepted that party or no party, she had to tell Luca about the baby. Keeping this secret was eating her up inside. They’d never kept secrets from each other until now. And this wasn’t just any secret—it was gigantic and life changing.
She knew Luca had no intention of settling down with a family—ever. He said that families were too complicated and that love didn’t last. She felt sorry for him. A lifetime was a long time to be alone.
She might have given romance a try and failed miserably, but at least she’d put herself out there. It bothered her that Luca wouldn’t even try. What did that mean for their child? Would Luca insist on keeping their son or daughter at arm’s length?
Elena hoped Luca would make an exception for his own flesh and blood. But he hadn’t for his father or sister. Elena inwardly groaned. She’d been going in these endless circles all night. The only way to get some real answers was to speak to Luca.
After showering and dressing, she went downstairs to check on her mother. Elena found her in the kitchen about to prepare food for her invited guests. It appeared that Wednesday involved another card game.
Elena had her mother sit at the kitchen table while Elena set to work preparing a meat and cheese platter as well as a fruit and vegetable one. The whole time her mother filled her in on friends and family, who had married and who was expecting babies. Elena got the hint. Her mother was anxious to expand the family. She wondered what her mother would think if she knew the truth about Elena’s condition.
“Are you sure I can’t do anything else?” Elena asked as she placed the last platter in the fridge.
“No. You’ve done plenty by preparing lunch for everyone. Now, don’t you have something to do this afternoon?”
“Mother, are you trying to get rid of me?” She eyed her mother, who suddenly looked flustered.
“Of course not. I’m not trying to get rid of you. It’s just that there are four of us already. You would be a fifth person, and that wouldn’t work well for cards.”
“Okay.” Something told her there was more to her mother shoving her out the door than setting her card game off balance. “Well, I should be going soon.”
“Is Luca coming to pick you up?”
Elena rinsed off her hands in the kitchen sink. “Not that I know of.” Of all the days she would welcome him picking her up, this would be the day he would skip out on her. “But I’m sure I’ll run into him at the party. Unless, of course, you want me to stay home. I know you already have a foursome for cards, but I could take care of the food and clean up.”
“That’s sweet of you.” Her mother reached out and patted Elena’s arm. “But not necessary. You just go and have a good time.”
Elena didn’t know if she’d have a good time. Most likely it would not be a good day, but it was like her father taught her about peeling off a bandage—the faster you did it, the sooner the pain ended. Now it was time to yank off a very big bandage.
“I just need to get ready.” Elena had changed outfits about a half dozen times. She couldn’t tell if it was her imagination or not, but her clothes were starting to get snug—not that they’d been loose in the first place.
Elena glanced down at her stylish white cotton tank top, jean shorts and flip-flops with blue and white bows. The invitation had said casual dress. Maybe this was too casual.
Which meant once again rooting through her closet to put together just the right outfit—one that was casual but not too casual, dressy but not too dressy, and something that was comfortable, but again, not too comfortable.
“I’ll be right back.” Elena headed for the steps to the second story.
Twenty minutes later, she stared in the mirror at the coral sundress. It was actually one of the first designs she’d done. Designer Francois Lacroix had told her that she not only had to sketch her ideas but she also had to bring them to life. It wasn’t frilly. It had a simple neckline with a beaded bodice that fit snugly. It was gathered just below the bodice and an embroidered hemline landed just above her knees.
She smoothed her hands over her midsection. She’d swear that she’d put on weight, but the scale in the bathroom said she hadn’t gained an ounce. She turned to the side and puffed out her stomach, wondering what she’d look like months from now. They said your bustline expanded. She was looking forward to that part. Maybe then she’d be more than a padded B cup.
Everything about this pregnancy intrigued her, almost as much as all the unknowns and the forthcoming pain scared her. It might be easier if she had someone to go through it with her. Luca’s handsome face came to mind, but she immediately dismissed it. He’d made it perfectly clear that he had no interest in extending his family line—title or no title. She’d never imagined that she’d end up a single mother, but sometimes you had to play the cards life dealt you—
“Elena! Elena, get down here.” Her mother’s voice was filled with urgency.
Oh, no! Elena rushed for the steps. Her mother must have reinjured herself. Elena had told her that she was doing too much, but her mother would not listen.
Elena almost missed the last step on the way down, but luckily she had her hand on the banister and was able to regain her balance. She rushed into the living room, where her mother was sitting in her favorite armchair.
“What’s the matter?” Elena pressed a hand to her pounding chest.
Her mother’s face was creased with frown lines. “This!” She turned the digital tablet Elena had gotten her for Christmas so Elena could see it. “Here. Take it. I can’t look at it any longer. What are we going to do?”
Whatever her mother was going on about couldn’t be nearly as bad as she was making it out to be. Her mother always did have a bit of an air for the dramatic. Elena took the tablet and gazed at the picture filling the screen.
It was an image of her...and Steven.
Elena’s stomach plummeted down to her bare feet.
How could this be? They’d ended things the same day this picture was taken. She remembered wearing that exact outfit. This must be one of the photos the investigator had taken of them.
“Tell me it isn’t true,” her mother pleaded. “You’d never get involved with a married man. Right?” Whe
n Elena didn’t say anything, her mother nervously chattered on. “I told your father that nothing good would come of you going so far from home. And now this. Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Mother, I can’t think when you keep going on like that. Just give me a second.”
Her mother sighed but quieted down.
Elena scrolled down past the damning photo that was on a very popular tabloid website. The headlines read:
From Model to Home Wrecker!
Banking CEO Caught in Lover’s Arms!
That Kiss Is Going to Cost Him Millions!
Elena’s gaze stuck on the headlines as anger and humiliation churned within her. She forced herself to read the attached article. Word by painful word she choked down the lies and innuendo.
And the worst part was the press made it seem like that picture was new. It was more than two months old. She hadn’t seen, much less talked to, Steven in that time. Nor did she intend to ever speak to him again. She’d been a victim here, but the press made it sound like she was a willing accomplice. She hadn’t even known he was married. He’d conveniently forgotten to mention that part.
This was a disaster!
And it wasn’t just her reputation that was on the line. It was going to affect her job, as her contract contained a morality clause. And when the paparazzi found out she was pregnant, they were going to jump to the wrong conclusion. It was like her life was a series of dominoes and now that the first one had fallen, the rest would follow. And it would end with Luca.
She’d thought there would be time to speak with him. She’d thought she could break the news of her pregnancy to him gently. And now her best-laid plans were ruined. She had to get to him before he read these blatant lies.
“Well,” her mother prompted, “what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I have to go.” Elena turned to find her purse. She needed her phone. She had to call him. Had to warn him about the firestorm that was headed her way—and in turn their innocent baby’s way.
“Go?” Her mother’s voice rose to a screechy level. “Go where? We have to talk.”
“I have something I need to do.” Where was her purse? It had to be around here somewhere. She scanned the couch and the chairs in the living room. It wasn’t there. Think. Where did you leave it?
Her thoughts were muddled and her pulse was racing. She was certain that all this stress wasn’t good for the baby, but she wouldn’t be able to calm down until she spoke with Luca.
She rushed to the kitchen. A quick scan of the house turned up her purse on the counter, where she’d placed it before preparing lunch for her mother and her friends.
“Elena, stop. You can’t just rush out of here.” Her mother balanced herself on her crutches in the doorway.
Elena paused at the front door to slip on her shoes. “I’m going. And you aren’t going to stop me.” Then, realizing that her mother was worried about her, she added, “Just concentrate on your card game. Don’t worry about this. I have everything under control.”
Her mother’s face crumpled. Was she going to cry?
Elena hugged her mother. “I made a mistake. A huge mistake, and now it’s coming back to bite me in a really big way. But it’s not like the press is making out.”
“Thank goodness. What can I do to help?”
“Forget you ever read that batch of lies.” With her purse and phone in hand, she opened the front door. “I have something very important to do. Will you be all right?”
Her mother nodded. “Go ahead. I’m fine.”
Elena rushed out the door and didn’t slow down. She was a woman on a mission. She needed to speak to Luca before he read the headlines. Before he jumped to the wrong conclusion like the rest of the world.
Her fingers trembled as she reached for her phone. The display showed that she had three missed calls—all from Lauren Renard. Elena’s stomach knotted. The story was already making the rounds in short order. But Lauren would have to wait.
Right now, Elena’s priority was Luca. She sought out his number on her phone. It rang once and went to voice mail. She disconnected and tried again. Once more, she was forwarded to his voice mail. She groaned inwardly.
“Luca, it’s Elena. Call me when you get this message. It’s important.”
She disconnected the call. Where was he? And why did he have his calls forwarded to his voice mail today, of all days?
She could only hope he attended today’s festivities. The invitation hadn’t said what was planned for the day. It was going to be a surprise. Elena had to admit that initially she’d been quite intrigued with the mystery.
So far Annabelle had taken them on a fun trip down memory lane. Except for yesterday’s spin the bottle game, Elena had enjoyed herself. Just the mere thought of that kiss yesterday sent heat rushing to her cheeks. She wondered if Annabelle was on to them.
Elena was still thinking all this over when she arrived at the far side of the palace. Before her stood a carnival, just like the ones they’d visited as kids. There was a Ferris wheel, game booths and food vendors. It was...it was amazing. Too bad she wouldn’t get to enjoy any of it.
She walked around the small carnival, but she still hadn’t spotted Luca. She couldn’t imagine he’d miss it, not after he’d made the point that his attendance was mandatory.
“Elena, there you are.” Annabelle and Grayson approached her. Annabelle wore a gleeful smile while holding cotton candy in her hand. “What do you think?”
It took Elena a moment to realize Annabelle was referring to the party and not to the nasty piece of gossip on the internet. “I think you’ve outdone yourself.” Elena forced a smile on her face. “This entire week has been amazing.”
“And it’s not over yet.” Annabelle reached for her fiancé’s hand.
Elena did her best to act normal. “You’re very lucky to have found someone so wonderful.”
Annabelle blushed. “I know. Don’t ask me how close I came to losing him.”
“That wouldn’t have happened.” Grayson stared into Annabelle’s eyes. “I know when I have a good thing. And you’re the best.”
“Aw...” Annabelle turned into his arms. She lifted on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his.
Elena turned to walk away and leave the lovebirds alone—or as alone as they could be in the middle of a carnival. She really needed to find Luca.
“Elena, did you happen to see my brother?” Annabelle called out.
Elena turned back. “Actually, I was looking for him. I thought he would be here.”
“I did, too, but he was distracted last night. He didn’t even come down to dinner.”
Oh, no. Had he heard something? Did he already know that she’d made a fool of herself in front of the whole world?
“So you haven’t spoken to him since yesterday?”
Annabelle shook her head. “I wouldn’t worry. It probably has something to do with my father arriving yesterday. Those two can get on each other’s nerves.”
“Well, if you see him, can you tell him that I’m looking for him?”
“I will. But before you go, I want to ask you something.” Annabelle’s expression grew serious.
“Um, sure. What do you need?”
“I, well, we wanted to know if you’d be in our wedding?”
“You want me to stand up for you?”
Annabelle smiled and nodded. “I know you’re really busy now that you’re a world-famous model, but the wedding is almost a year out. Please say that you’ll do it. I know Luca would like it. A lot.”
Elena wasn’t so sure how to take Annabelle’s last comment, so she just let it slide. “I’d be honored. Thank you for asking me.”
Annabelle turned a triumphant look to Grayson. “I told you s
he’d do it. This wedding is starting to come together.”
“I know it’s going to be just as fabulous as your engagement,” Elena said.
“Just not as fun,” Grayson said.
“You’ll just have to wait for the honeymoon.” Annabelle sent him a devilish look.
Just then a man in a dark suit and sunglasses strode toward them. Elena guessed he was part of the palace security. She hoped nothing was wrong. But seeing as the man would want to speak with Annabelle, the king’s niece, Elena was ready to make a quick exit.
“Looks like someone is searching for you.” Elena pointed out the man.
“Oh.” Annabelle frowned. “And here everything was going so well. I should have known it was too good to be true.”
“Don’t worry.” Grayson rubbed his fiancée’s shoulders. “Whatever it is, we’ll get it straightened out and get back to the celebration.”
Annabelle sent Grayson a worried look. “I hope so.”
“I’ll let you deal with it.” Elena started to walk away.
“Ms. Ricci, could I speak to you?”
Elena paused at the sound of her name. An uneasy feeling inched down her spine. With great trepidation she turned to the man. “Yes?”
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the surprised look on Annabelle’s face. Elena wondered if she was wearing a similar expression.
“Excuse me, ma’am. I was informed that you would be here.”
“What can I do for you?”
“Ma’am, there are a bunch of reporters at the gate demanding to speak with you. What should we do?”
It felt as though the bottom had fallen out of her world. The article had just made the tabloid that morning and they were already seeking her out. She wondered what other information they had. She was certain that none of it would be good news.
“Did they say what they wanted?”
“No, ma’am.”
Annabelle stepped up then. “Tell them to go away. Elena is my guest today, and she doesn’t want to be hounded by the press.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The security guard pulled out his phone as he started to walk away.