Married for His Secret Heir Page 6
But even if she did want him, he could never be the sort of man she needed. He just couldn’t commit himself to a lifetime of unhappiness. He’d watched it with his parents. They put on a good show for people, but they were very different behind closed doors. He forced away the memories of the secret arguments he had overheard as a child.
Annabelle had been too young to have noticed these things or else she didn’t want to acknowledge that their parents’ marriage had been far from perfect. And Luca had no intention of changing that for her. Their mother’s murder had devastated both of them. Whatever comfort Annabelle found in her memories of their family, she deserved. They’d all endured far too much for one lifetime.
Once the badminton and bocce wound down, Annabelle clinked a butter knife against her lemonade glass. Silence fell over the small group. “Okay. Everyone gather round.”
Luca had an uneasy feeling as he took a seat at the large round table. His sister was up to something because she had a mischievous smile on her face. Every time she looked that way, he knew he was in trouble. It was just then that Elena drew a chair up next to his.
“Are you having a good time?” He didn’t know why he’d asked. It wasn’t like he really wanted to know if she was enjoying his cousin’s company more than his.
She nodded. “Surprisingly, I am.”
Annabelle again clinked her glass with her butter knife. She waited until she had everyone’s attention. “I hope you all are having as much fun as I am. Thank you for joining in the celebration this week. And now it’s time for a blast from the past.”
The impish expression had yet to leave his sister’s face, making Luca even more concerned at what she might be up to. Past experience told him he wasn’t going to like it. He braced himself for what she said next.
She picked up an empty wine bottle and placed it on its side in the middle of the table. “Remember this?”
Remember what? Where was Annabelle going with this? He turned a questioning gaze to Elena. Her eyes widened, and then she turned a worried look his way. His gut knotted up tight.
“I can tell by the puzzled look on my brother’s face that he doesn’t have a clue.” She looked directly at him. There was a gleam of devilment in her eyes. He was doomed. She continued, “It’s called spin the bottle, Luca. Except that my version is a mix between spin the bottle and truth or dare.”
His sister was always one to be creative with the rules. That was probably how she got herself in serious trouble with a killer. Thank goodness Grayson had been there. The thought of his sister facing down their mother’s killer shook Luca to the core.
And then guilt settled in. He should have been there to protect her—not that his sister ever needed anyone to play hero. She had a stubborn and independent streak, just like their mother. But that didn’t lessen his guilt for not being there—for not uncovering the killer himself. Perhaps he had been gone far too long.
But now that he’d spoken with his father, things were changing. If all worked out, he would be around more for his family. But that didn’t mean he had to stick around for this walk down memory lane.
He knew exactly how his sister would play the game—she would make people squirm. And he wasn’t having any part of it. He started to get up to leave when Elena reached out, placing her hand on his arm.
She leaned over and whispered, “Please don’t go.”
His body tensed as he was torn between leaving before this day went horribly sideways and doing as Elena asked. It wasn’t like he owed Elena anything. In all honesty, he wasn’t even her official escort. He’d merely walked with her to the picnic. He knew he was just making up excuses in order to leave without a guilty conscience.
Then his gaze lifted and met Elena’s. The worry was still there. No. It was panic. Why was she so upset about the game? Then again, who was he to question her when all he wanted was out of there?
He leaned toward her. It was then that a gentle breeze picked up and with it carried the not-too-sweet scent of jasmine perfume. He inhaled a little deeper. Every time he smelled that scent, he thought of Elena. She’d started wearing that perfume as a teenager. For some reason, he’d thought now that she was a famous model she’d have switched to a more trendy fragrance. Was it possible that everything about her hadn’t changed?
And then, remembering he was supposed to say something, he whispered in her ear, “Come with me.”
“I can’t leave your sister’s party.”
“Sure you can. Come on.”
“Luca, be serious. Everyone will notice.”
He knew she was right, but that didn’t mean he wanted to sit here and play a child’s game. “I don’t want to do this.”
Elena squeezed his hand. “It’ll be all right.”
His fingers instinctively wrapped around hers. It was such a simple act, and yet his heart was racing. He loved the feel of her hand in his. His thumb stroked the back of her hand.
And then he remembered that they weren’t alone. They had an audience that included his very astute sister. Thankfully the table and the white linen tablecloth hid their clasped hands from view. But not wanting to take any chances, he forced himself to release Elena’s hand.
“Since I’m the bride, I’ll go first.” Annabelle smiled as she gazed directly at Luca.
He resisted the urge to shift in his seat. He would not be outmaneuvered by his little sister, and especially not over some childish game.
Annabelle spun the bottle. It circled round and round. Each time it neared him, the breath caught in his lungs. And then it started to slow down. His body tensed.
Thankfully the bottle didn’t point at him. But it did point to Elena. He glanced her way, and she looked as pale as a ghost. Oh, no. This wasn’t good. He wanted to tell her that she should have listened to him when he suggested they leave together, but he resisted.
Annabelle beamed. That was never a good sign. He wanted to speak up and tell his sister to back off, but before he could utter a word, his sister said, “Okay, Elena, you’re first. Truth? Or dare?”
Elena looked horrified that she’d just been caught in his sister’s crosshairs.
Luca leaned forward. “Annabelle, I don’t think this is a good idea.”
That was probably the wrong thing to say. His sister’s eyes lit up. “Oh, come on, Luca. Loosen up.” Everyone’s gaze moved back to Elena. Once again his sister said, “Truth? Or dare?”
A moment passed as everyone waited for Elena to decide.
“Dare,” she said so softly that Luca wasn’t sure what she’d actually said.
“What was that?” Annabelle asked.
“Dare,” Elena said louder.
Annabelle pressed her lips together as she made a show of making up her mind. She was having too much fun with this. Her gaze moved back and forth between him and Elena. What was she thinking? Surely she wouldn’t—
“I dare you to kiss my brother.”
Elena’s mouth gaped, but nothing came out.
“Annabelle, enough is enough,” Luca said.
“Tsk, tsk, brother.” His sister shook her finger at him. “Since when did you become the serious one? I thought you enjoyed fun and games.”
“But this is different—”
“Really? How so?”
He could feel all eyes on him now. What had he done? Was everyone going to guess that he had a thing for Elena?
Before he could find a way out of this mess, Elena leaned toward him. She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him toward her. What in the world?
The next thing he knew, Elena’s lips were pressed to his. They were warm and so very sweet. His eyes drifted shut as a moan swelled in the back of his throat. Did she know how excruciating this was for him? Did she know how many sleepless nights he’d spent thinking of their lovemaking?
r /> Remembering that they had an audience, he squelched the moan. It took all of his self-restraint to keep his hands to himself. He longed to crush Elena to him. He ached to feel her body next to him with their hearts beating in unison.
If they were alone, he’d kiss her slowly and gently at first. He’d let the hunger and desire build. And just when neither of them could take it anymore, he’d deepen the kiss. Just like before...
They’d been so good together.
It was like they’d been made for each other.
A moan started low and grew. Oh, yeah, her kisses were as sweet as berries and held the promise of so much more. If he were to pull her closer—
Elena pulled back.
And as quickly as the kiss began, it ended. His eyes opened to find her frowning at him. It would appear he’d lost his touch, and along with it he’d lost any semblance of a good mood.
She didn’t stop. She didn’t slow down. In fact, Elena made a point of picking up her pace. The last thing she wanted to do now was deal with Luca.
She’d forced herself to remain at the party until it was over, but she’d made sure to keep her distance from Luca. She didn’t trust herself around him. That kiss had reminded her of their night together. And that wasn’t good. She had to keep her wits about her.
Steven and Luca weren’t the first men in her life who had said sweet nothings to sway her to let her guard down. The others had been photographers, models and other men in the fashion industry. She’d done well navigating her way between the truth and the lies—until Steven.
She’d thought she’d known Steven. He’d seemed so sweet and charming when she’d met him in the Paris café. When she’d dropped her phone, he’d picked it up for her. A bit of casual chitchat led to him asking her to join him for a cup of coffee. From there they’d had dinner. To say it was a whirlwind relationship was putting it mildly. Maybe that was why she’d held back. Maybe there was something in the back of her mind that had said it was all too easy.
She wasn’t used to things coming to her easily. Sure, she’d been raised on the royal estate of Mirraccino. But she was raised as an employee’s child—someone who was forced to keep to the shadows. When there were grand functions, she had watched them from afar. She’d never had any illusions that she was anything but the help’s daughter—a nobody.
When she’d moved to Paris, there was no modeling job waiting for her. She’d waitressed until she had enough money to have a portfolio made and then she started making the rounds of the modeling agencies. No part of her journey had been handed to her. But she’d never regretted any of it. She’d learned a lot and grown as a person.
So when Steven seemed more than willing to let their relationship escalate quickly, she’d put on the brakes. He’d been dropping hints about the future—their future. It had all been happening too easily—and too fast.
When their photo had been taken by an investigator his wife had hired, the whole truth about Steven came out. They had been caught kissing near the Arc de Triomphe, but luckily that was all they’d done. It was what she’d told Steven’s wife when the irate woman had confronted her. No matter what Elena said, the woman refused to believe that it was a kiss and nothing more.
Elena had tried to explain how Steven had lied to her about himself and hidden the fact that he was already married. His family had conveniently been on vacation in Australia visiting his in-laws while he’d been sweet-talking Elena.
By the time Luca had arrived in Paris, Elena had been at her lowest. And Luca had been so vulnerable—so open. She’d let her guard down—perhaps too much. Obviously too much, or she wouldn’t be pregnant.
She inwardly groaned. She shouldn’t have chosen the dare. She could still feel Luca’s lips on hers. She knew how easily his kisses could make her forget her common sense. The events of that night came crashing back to her. And the part that stuck out the most was how their night in Paris had all started with a single kiss.
And look where it’d landed them. But of course Luca didn’t know yet. She was trying so hard to keep everything light and fun until the week was out, but at every turn Luca was making that increasingly difficult. Just like now. Couldn’t he just let her go? Didn’t he understand that she needed some alone time?
His fingers reached out, touching her shoulder. “Hey, slow down. What is this, a race?”
She came to an abrupt halt. She spun around and faced him. “What was that kiss back there?”
“A dare issued by my sister.” He paused. Suddenly his eyes widened. “You surely don’t think I put her up to it, do you?”
Elena crossed her arms. “I’m not sure what to think.”
“Sure you do. We’re still best friends. Just like always.”
“Not like always. Things have changed.”
“You keep saying that, but we don’t have to let one night ruin a lifetime of friendship.” His eyes pleaded with her.
“Why don’t you understand that the bell can’t be unrung?”
“I think you’re making too much of things.”
“Really? Then how would you explain that kiss?”
“What about it? It was a dare. A game. No big deal.”
“This is me you’re talking to,” Elena said. “You can’t lie to me. I was on the other end of that kiss, and you kissed me back.”
He shook his head, not wanting to admit that there was something going on between them. “You’re making too much of it.”
“And you’re working too hard to deny there was something to that kiss. Now why would that be?”
He ran a hand over the scruff lining his chiseled jaw. “It must just have been instinctive. After all, I’m not used to women literally throwing themselves at me.”
Elena sighed. “Well, your sister saw that the kiss was more than a friendly peck. You know she’s going to make something of it.”
“Not if we don’t let her.”
Nervous laughter escaped her lips. “Have you met your sister? No one tells her what to do, and that includes her big brother.”
Luca’s lips settled into a firm line. Apparently he didn’t find it amusing. She didn’t blame him. This whole thing was getting sticky. Maybe she should just fess up now about the baby.
But what did she say? Did she just blurt it out? No. It had to be handled delicately.
They both spoke at once. Both surprised, they stopped and stared at each other.
“Ladies go first.” Luca looked at her expectantly.
Suddenly her nerve failed her. She needed more time. She had to think of the right words. “You go first. You look like you have something important to say.”
He glanced at his phone. “I have to get to a meeting with Prince Demetrius.”
“Oh.” She noticed how he used the word meeting. “Do you two have business together?”
“I hope so.” Then a guilty look came over his face. “Would it be all right if I left you here?”
“Seriously? You’re worried about me walking home alone in broad daylight while on the royal estate—”
“Okay. Okay. I get the point. I just didn’t want you to think that I was ditching you.”
“I’ll be fine. Go have your meeting. I hope it goes well.”
He started to walk back to the palace, but then he turned back to her. “What was it you wanted to tell me?”
“It can wait.”
“You’re sure?”
“Positive.” What they needed to discuss was going to take much longer than the couple of minutes that he had right now. And she was certain he wouldn’t be able to think clearly after she told him. “We’ll catch up later.”
“You can count
on it. Wish me luck.”
“Good luck.”
And with that he was gone. She was left to wonder what business he had with the crown prince. The last she knew Luca was into investments or some such thing, but what would that have to do with Mirraccino? And the last time they’d discussed his profession, he’d sworn her to secrecy until he told his father. So what exactly was he up to?
* * *
“I’m sorry—I can’t help.”
Luca stared at the crown prince, wishing he’d heard him incorrectly. This couldn’t be right. He knew for a fact that Mirraccino was flourishing. So why was his cousin turning down his business plan?
“If it’s the price,” Luca said, “I’m sure we can negotiate it.”
The truth of the matter was that he hadn’t had near enough time to formulate any solid numbers. But the crown prince’s schedule was kept quiet due to security concerns, and Luca didn’t want to miss a chance to talk with him in person. His cousin was being groomed to take over the throne. And though Demetrius traveled often for diplomatic duties, he was also making business connections to keep Mirraccino flourishing.
Demetrius barely took his eyes off his young daughter. She was a toddler now, with a rosy smile just like her mother. She was into everything and getting faster on her toes each day. “It’s not the price.” When Princess Katrina landed on her diapered backside, Demetrius offered his hands for her to cling to while she got back on her feet. “This is just a really bad time. Perhaps we can revisit this in six months or a year?”
Luca had examined enough of the business’s records to know there wouldn’t be a lemon grove in six months, much less a year. It needed a large infusion of cash as of yesterday. But he refused to give up. If he hadn’t let his ego rule his common sense, he would have returned to his home in Halencia long before now. He would have known the condition of his family’s business.
“Perhaps I could speak with the king,” Luca said.