Married for His Secret Heir Page 17
“Stop saying that.” He stared at her as though shocked that she would say these things to him. “I do let people in.”
“No, you don’t.” She didn’t know why she bothered. He’d counted on himself for so long now that he didn’t know any other way to be. “I give up. I love you, but obviously that’s never going to penetrate the wall around your heart.”
He looked at her, but he didn’t say anything. This was where he should profess his love for her, too. And yet there was nothing but a stony silence.
Though it was breaking her heart, she just couldn’t imprison him or herself in a one-sided marriage. She knew he would stay out of obligation, and if she didn’t walk out that door right now, he would be miserable for the rest of his life. And she loved him too much to do that to him.
“I can’t do this anymore.” She turned for the door.
“Where are you going?”
“At last, you speak. If you must know, I’m going to my parents’ for dinner. They invited us both, but I can’t imagine that you would want to go. I’ll give them your regrets.” She continued to the door. And then she paused and turned. “I guess this is goodbye.”
“Yes. Tomorrow I’m returning to Paris. I’ll email you with any important information about the baby. Goodbye, Luca.”
She turned and headed out the door while she could still maintain a dignified expression. Because that had been the hardest thing she’d ever done in her life. Her heart felt as though it had been ripped from her chest.
Luca stared at the closed door as he gathered his thoughts. In the heat of the moment, he decided Elena leaving was for the best.
He paced back and forth in the cottage, feeling like a caged animal. Why did everyone in his life keep telling him that he was doing things the wrong way? All he was trying to do was stand on his own two legs. Was that such a bad thing?
Of course not.
He contemplated walking out the door and not stopping. He needed away from the palace and Mirraccino—away from Elena. But for the first time ever, he couldn’t imagine being on his own again. Every time he thought of the future, he saw Elena in it.
The voices of Elena, his father, the king and others echoed in his head. He had to get out of there. He headed for the beach. The sounds of the water, the birds and the breeze were calming. Now he had to unravel this tangled mess, because so much was at stake.
Never before had he had this many people foisting their opinions and advice upon him. All of them wanted him to do this or that, but none asked what he wanted to do.
The last time—the only time—he’d done what he was told, it had been with his mother. He didn’t let himself think of her very often, but her memory filled his mind now. He reached for the chain that hung around his neck, a constant reminder of her—a source of comfort in times of trouble. He removed the chain from his neck and clutched the St. Christopher medal in his palm.
When he was a child, his mother was the only one to guide him—to tell him what needed to be done. His sister had been too little, his father too busy and Elena too awestruck by the fact that he was a part of the royal family.
In the years since his mother’s murder, he’d been doing his best to navigate life on his own. Was it possible that in his efforts to avoid another loss that he’d built these walls around himself that Elena mentioned?
He supposed it was true. He’d never really stopped to think about it. But it was the only way he knew how to be. He didn’t even know how to change.
But if he didn’t do something, he was going to lose the woman he loved. It was the first time he’d allowed himself to admit his intense feelings for Elena to himself. And instead of it being scary, it was freeing. It was like stepping out of the shadows and into the sunlight.
He knew she still had the ability to hurt him, but by denying his feelings, he was hurting himself more. But was it too late? Would she give him a second chance?
He had to prove to her that he’d changed—that he was willing to let people into his life. And he knew how to do it. He would start with his father and sister.
He had an idea of how to save the lemon grove, but he couldn’t do it by himself. Finally, he was hearing what Elena had been telling him. He wasn’t in this battle alone. There were people around who wanted to help, if he’d let them.
First, he would speak to his father, Annabelle and the newest member of the family, Grayson. When Luca went to Elena, he was going to show her that family meant everything to him.
Elena and the baby were his everything.
ELENA HAD ARRIVED home early for dinner.
She had nowhere else to go and nothing she wanted to do. And since she was leaving in the morning, she thought she would spend the extra time with her mother.
“Dear, you really don’t have to help with dinner. I can manage,” her mother insisted as she tried to prepare food while balancing on her crutches.
“Mother, why don’t you sit at the table and I’ll bring you whatever you need?”
“Well, that probably would be easier. Thanks.” She moved to the table. “But something tells me you have more on your mind than worrying about me. For a newlywed, you’ve been spending a lot of time at home. What’s going on?”
Elena didn’t know how to respond. She just wasn’t willing to admit to anyone that her brief marriage was a bust. Every time she thought of vocalizing the words, the backs of her eyes started to sting. She couldn’t avoid the subject forever, but for just this moment, she wanted to pretend that her heart wasn’t breaking in two.
Elena started slicing cheese. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. Does it have to do with sex?”
The knife slipped, barely missing Elena’s finger. “Mother!”
“Okay. I was just kidding.” Her mother sat at the table cutting orange wedges for the fruit and cheese tray.
Elena kept her gaze on the task at hand, not wanting her mother to read too much in her gaze. “When you first got married, did you—well, was Father a little distant?”
“Your father? No. He’s always been romantic and passionate—”
“Mother, I thought we said we weren’t going there.”
Her mother laughed. “Passionate about his feelings, daughter. I’ve always known where I stood with him.”
Which just reinforced her decision to end things with Luca. She never knew where she stood with him, and she couldn’t live like that.
“I take it you and Luca are having some problems adjusting.”
“Something like that.” Maybe if she opened up a little more, her mother would be able to give her some helpful advice. After all, her mother knew how to maintain a successful marriage. “It’s just that he won’t open up and let me in. And now that I’m—”
She stopped. How could she just go and almost blurt out that she was pregnant? Now wasn’t the time for that news.
“You really are pregnant, aren’t you?” The glee was obvious in her mother’s voice. She got to her feet in record time and rushed over to put an arm around Elena. “I’m so happy for you.”
When they pulled apart, Elena said, “No one knows.”
“Haven’t you told your husband?”
“He knows.” Since she’d already said more than she intended, she might as well finish confessing. “It’s the only reason he married me.”
“What?” Her mother sounded shocked. “Surely you don’t believe that.”
“How can I not believe it? I asked him once if he loved me, and he said no.”
“But that can’t be right. I’ve watched you two over the years. It’s as plain to me as the nose on my face that you two belong toge
ther. I just wondered how long it would take you to figure it out.”
Elena sniffled. “I figured it out, but he didn’t. And I can’t live with someone who doesn’t love me back. It’s not right for me, and it’s not right for our baby.”
“Oh, Elena, think hard before you do anything drastic. Sometimes we only get one chance at love.”
The sound of footsteps had them both turning. There in the entrance to the kitchen stood Luca. He looked awful. His face was pale and drawn. Elena’s first instinct was to go to him, but she held herself back. If this was going to work, he had to make the first move.
“I knocked,” he said, “but I don’t think anyone heard, so I let myself in. I hope that’s all right.”
“Of course it is,” her mother said, as though there wasn’t a thing wrong. “You’re family now. You are welcome here anytime.”
“Thank you.” His gaze met Elena’s. “That means a lot.”
Her mother smiled. “I hope you brought your appetite. Elena and I have been cooking up a storm. We can eat as soon as my husband arrives.”
Elena stood by quietly, wondering what his real reason was for being there. Part of her was frustrated and she didn’t want to have the same argument with him again. But another part of her wondered if maybe her words had finally gotten through to him.
“Actually,” Luca said, “I was wondering if I could borrow your daughter for a little bit.”
“Certainly. She’s all done here.”
When Elena didn’t make any movement to go to him, Luca said, “Elena, there are things I need to say to you. It’s important.”
He deserved to wait a minute. She wanted him to know that she wasn’t going to jump every time he called. Most of all, he had to know that he’d truly hurt her.
“Please,” he pleaded.
That was what she needed. She turned to her mother. “Are you sure you’ve got everything?”
“Positive. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it and our chat. Now go.” She shooed them from the kitchen. As they were going out the door, her mother hollered, “And if you don’t make it back this evening, we’ll have leftovers tomorrow.”
Oh, her mother, ever the optimistic one.
Elena wasn’t as hopeful. Maybe she was building up her own walls now. But she just couldn’t get her hopes up and let her heart get broken all over again.
LUCA HAD NEVER been more nervous in his life.
Neither said a word as they walked. He didn’t have a destination in mind. He just needed time alone with Elena. And now that he was with her, the words inside him twisted up in a knot and clogged his throat.
Their meandering led them to the cliff overlooking the sea. The sun hovered on the horizon, sending magnificent shades of pink and purple streaking through the sky. But nothing could hold a candle to his wife’s beauty.
And if he didn’t say the right things now, he knew he was going to lose her for good. His chance at having a family would be gone. And he didn’t know how he would live with the knowledge that he’d ruined it all.
He swallowed hard. “Elena, please don’t do this. Don’t leave.”
She maintained a considerable distance between them. Her gaze was cool and distant. “I want you to know that I really appreciate all you’ve done for me. Not many men would have stepped up and proposed marriage to protect their unborn baby from a scandal.”
“I did what I needed to do. And I’d do it again.”
“But that’s the thing—you don’t need to do anything else. The crisis has been averted. We can now go back to our lives.”
“Elena, please don’t do this.”
“I can’t continue to live a lie. If we can’t fully and honestly communicate with each other, we can’t have a healthy marriage.”
“Listen, I’m sorry about not telling you about my family’s financial crisis as soon as I learned about it. But thanks to you, we have a plan in place to get us through this rough patch. I just came from talking to my father, Annabelle and Grayson. We are going to contract with Fo Shizzle Cafés for as much produce as they can take. And we spoke with Demetrius, who was able to give us a date for when the royal family will start taking on new contracts again. He said ours would be the first they considered.”
Elena shook her head. “You’re still not hearing me. I’m not talking about business.”
“But I reached out to my family for help. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“Partly. But you still won’t let anyone know how you feel.”
He raked his fingers through his hair. “And how do you want me to resolve that?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure it can be resolved. That’s why I’m going back to Paris in the morning.”
“You mean alone?”
“Yes. It’s best for everyone.”
Again, there was a coolness to her words. Her voice was almost monotone, and he noticed how her gaze didn’t quite meet his. He felt like she was blocking him out—like he was suddenly a stranger to her. And he didn’t like it. Not one little bit.
He wanted his Elena back—the person who made him laugh, who was full of emotion and tenderness. This aloofness wasn’t like her.
And then it dawned on him that this was how it must have been for Elena to deal with him all this time. It was as if he suddenly truly understood what his efforts to protect himself had done to those around him.
“Elena, I am sorry for blocking you out. I was afraid. Afraid of losing you from my life, whether it be an unexpected death or indifference or something else. I’m not afraid to love you anymore.”
She stood there much like a statue. She didn’t say anything. In fact, she didn’t react at all. Hadn’t she heard him?
“Elena, I love you.”
She’d tried not to, but his words penetrated her heart.
She didn’t react right away, because she was still processing this information. It was a lot to take in. And they had to get this right.
Elena lifted her chin. “Are you saying all this because you now feel that you have something to offer?”
“The deal with the lemon grove. Are you willing to take a risk on us because you want your child to grow up on the DiSalvo estate?”
“No. No. No. Didn’t you hear me? I love you. I know it took a long time for me to get it all straight, but I’m here now, asking you to forgive me. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I never meant to hurt you.”
Her heart fluttered. These were the words she’d been longing to hear for so very long. A tear splashed onto her cheek. She swiped it away.
Luca got down on one knee and took her hand in his. “I did this once and I meant it, but I didn’t get it exactly right, so I’d like a do-over. Is that all right?”
She nodded as a smile pulled at her lips. At last, the wall around his heart had crumbled. Her heart pounded with love and joy.
“Elena, I love you. If I am honest with myself, I’ve always loved you. When something good happens, you’re the first person I think of to tell. If something bad happens, you’re the one I want to share my troubles. Yours is the last face I want to see at night and the first in the morning. I want to spend the rest of my days showing you just how much I love you. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” She drew him up to his feet. “I love you with all my heart.” And then she took his hand and pressed it to her abdomen. “We both do.”
Luca stared deep into her eyes. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
“And I am the luckiest woman. I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.”
She lifted up on her tiptoes and pressed her li
ps to his.
Eleven months later
ELENA STOOD IN the gardens of the royal palace. Annabelle and Grayson had just been married. Elena and Luca had stood up for them. And the king had attended, now that he was back to being himself.
It was so nice to be back in Mirraccino. She said that every time she and Luca visited, which was often. As much as she loved Halencia, it would never have that special something that Mirraccino did. Maybe it was because this was her childhood home...or maybe it was because it was here that she’d met the man of her dreams, who at that point had been a little boy who didn’t mind getting his formal clothes dirty playing with a girl. Elena smiled at the memories. They seemed so long ago now.
While Luca talked with one of his many cousins, Elena excused herself. European football was something that still didn’t interest her—no matter how much Luca tried to sway her. Although she had enjoyed playing football with Luca as a kid, it didn’t hold her attention in the same way. Now the only thing she recognized about the game was which jersey matched which team. What could she say? Fashion was in her blood. Only in a different way now.
She moved around the vast gardens. The walkways were lit up with torches that gave a soft glow to the fragrant foliage. Their garden in Halencia was just as beautiful, but not nearly as vast. It was where Elena spent a lot of time now that their son, Marco, had been born. Instead of modeling glamorous fashions, she was now doing something she loved—designing. Her debut fashion show was planned for this fall. She couldn’t wait.
When fingers wrapped around her shoulders, she jumped.
“Hey, relax. It’s just me,” Luca murmured very close to her ear. Then he leaned over and pressed his lips to the nape of her neck. “What had you so deep in thought?”
“I was just thinking about the path we took to get here. It’s hard to believe that we once played hide-and-seek in these gardens and now your sister is having her wedding reception here.”
“I was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to get married—”